New Life,
Through Jesus,
for edmond
and the world

Vision: “New life, through Jesus, for Edmond and the world.”

The change First Presbyterian Church will seek is new life, marked by joy, justice, righteousness grace and love in Edmond and the world. We will be a community of people who each live out a personal culture of discipleship marked by our Seven Core Practices. (Share Who You Are, Care for One Another, Read Scripture Together, Pray Together, Invest in People, Serve Community and Create and Send Leaders) We will focus our attention and resources to see lives transformed and changed outside our congregation through an encounter with Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.


GATHER for worship and community


GROW in intimacy and understanding


GO to serve and to share
As we form our pathway for spiritual growth we want to be very intentional about how we spend our time, talent and resources so that we can have the greatest impact for the Kingdom of God. To this end, we are also in the process of becoming what some call, “a simple church.” A simple church is designed around a straightforward and strategic process that moves people through the stages of spiritual growth.

7 Core Practices

We believe that God has called us to participate in His vision of NEW LIFE through JESUS for EDMOND and the WORLD. How do we do this?  We Gather for worship and community, Grow in intimacy and understanding and Go to serve and share.  

Although we all serve in different ministry contexts and live in our own sphere of influence, we have committed to be a community of people who each live out a personal culture of discipleship marked by our 7 Core Practices:

Share Who You Are
Care for One Another
Read and Practice Scripture Together
Pray Together
Invest in People
Serve Community
Create and Send Leaders

These simple practices challenge us to continue to cultivate relationships with the people around us as we share new life through Jesus.  We want to help you integrate these core practices into your rhythm of life where ever you may be.  Whether you are from our particular church community or building the Kingdom in other parts of the world, we pray these stories, tools and tips will serve you well.

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