chosen Before

A Blog by Rev. Dr. Eric Laverentz

Eric moved to Edmond with his family from Overland Park, Kansas in September of 2016 upon answering a call to become the Lead Pastor at FPCE. He and his wife Jen have four young children, a daughter and three sons, ranging in age from two to nine years old.

Eric was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma, and has been in the pulpit since an early age. He holds a Doctor of Ministry from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, a Master of Arts (Emphasis on Christian Ethics) from Vanderbilt University, a Master of Theology (Emphasis on Christian Ethics)from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Truman State University.

As a senior pastor for the past fourteen years, Eric has served at churches in Tennessee, Ohio and Kansas prior to his call to Oklahoma.

Eric currently serves as Associate Director of the ECO Elder Leadership Institute (ELI) and a Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader on Church Leadership. He has also been actively involved in the State of Kansas Human Rights Commission for the past three years. Eric is an avid reader, runner, hiker, and Kansas City sports fan. He is also a published author. His book Is Caesar our Savior? How Only the Church Can Keep Any Nation Free was published by Father’s Press in 2012 and the article “Heresy, History and Hope” can be found in the December 2006 issue of Theology Matters.



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